This page is for custom painted horses. They are painted by myself unless otherwise noted. I do not claim my work to be LSQ, as that is very subjective.
Many of the vintage molds are "straight repaint", which means that the seams and often logo are still intact. The older molds, which I LOVE to paint, are just a beast to prep, and sadly often aren't competitive in the show ring anymore. However, they are still beloved by collectors, so what better way to celebrate and enjoy them than with a fresh coat of paint!
Newer molds are standard prepped.
If you want to purchase several, the shipping calculator will be off. Shoot me an email and we'll get it sorted out.
I sell a LOT of customs on eBay under jscritters2001.
Any questions, shoot me an email at [email protected]
Many of the vintage molds are "straight repaint", which means that the seams and often logo are still intact. The older molds, which I LOVE to paint, are just a beast to prep, and sadly often aren't competitive in the show ring anymore. However, they are still beloved by collectors, so what better way to celebrate and enjoy them than with a fresh coat of paint!
Newer molds are standard prepped.
If you want to purchase several, the shipping calculator will be off. Shoot me an email and we'll get it sorted out.
I sell a LOT of customs on eBay under jscritters2001.
Any questions, shoot me an email at [email protected]