Hagen Renaker OF Model
If you don't like the price, I am open to offers on many of them, as I have a harder time pricing HR. Also, while I may have duplicates of some of these, each model will be listed on it's own, due to variations in colouring and such, so know that the item you see is the item you will receive. Questions? Shoot me a message at [email protected]
Also, I am looking very actively for Reissue Colors on Amir, Commanche and Butch. These (and Two Bits) are my favorite HR molds, and I am hoping to complete my collection someday.
If you don't like the price, I am open to offers on many of them, as I have a harder time pricing HR. Also, while I may have duplicates of some of these, each model will be listed on it's own, due to variations in colouring and such, so know that the item you see is the item you will receive. Questions? Shoot me a message at [email protected]
Also, I am looking very actively for Reissue Colors on Amir, Commanche and Butch. These (and Two Bits) are my favorite HR molds, and I am hoping to complete my collection someday.